Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 1: Refining the direction

This week was mostly spent setting up my dev environment (I've decided to use Qt Creator) and finding my way around the codebase, getting Keith's code from the track_selector_feature branch to work again. A partly revised design document is up at:

I've forked the Github repo and started working off the features_key branch, so that I can take advantage of the key analysis functions. My branch is here:

Now that filters are more or less in place, I need to figure out a way to isolate the filtered set and apply a an arbitrary similarity function between those tracks and the current one. That will be the task for next week.

For the midterm, my goal is to have the selector interface working, with tracks ranked by a customizable ranking function and with the interface to prioritize different rankings (and to add user-selected follow-ups) exposed. The remaining time would then be spent adding new comparison options (e.g. the Last.FM tags and timbral similarity).

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